I love the 4th of July. I love the fireworks. I love the hot dogs and watermelon. I love Otter pops and ice cream. But most of all I love the patriotism. I love how everyone wears red white and blue. I love that parents are teaching their children why we celebrate our independence day on the 4th and how not all nations have this privilege, that we are special. I love that people cry and stand with pride as they sing the National Anthem and God Bless America. Because God has. God has absolutely blessed America. But God has not blessed America just so we can be blessed. God has blessed America so we can reach the world for Jesus. I want to challenge all of you today as we celebrate our nation and the God given independence we have been given. How are you using the blessings God has given you? Don't waste them. Use them for His glory. Use them to change the world. Happy 4th of July!!!!