Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Orange in Atlanta

Hey everyone! I just got home from an amazing few days in Atlanta Georgia. Me and a few girls from our church were sent to the Orange Conference there. The Orange Conference is a family ministries conference put on by Reggie Joiner (former children's pastor at Northpointe church) The conference is based off of his book "Think Orange". 

The Idea of Think Orange is.....
How do we combine the Heart of the Family (red) and the light of the church (yellow) to influence our children.  Its an amazing concept and was so inspiring for me as I am trying to figure out how our Children's Ministry will look once we start Catalyst Church. 

Here is a paragraph from Think Orange that pretty much sums up the heart of the book and conference.....

"Imagine the difference it will make if every leader, every volunteer, every parent is on the same page, working toward the same end. what if we believed our mission was simply to incite wonder, provoke discovery, and to fuel passion in the heart of every child. Imagine him, and every other child in your ministry growing up with authentic faith that connects them to a better story for their life. That's what happens when you think ORANGE."

If you are anyway involved in Children's ministry I recommend this book and definitely recommend this conference.

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