Adam came home from that conference and said to me "I think God is speaking to me about being a senior pastor someday." Now, this was a really big deal because Adam had always said "I will never be a senior pastor!" He had no desire to ever be one, even though I always knew in my heart that he would be. So when he came home and told me how he was feeling I just smiled and thought to myself "well, duh." :o) Time passed and the dream was put on the shelf; still there but kinda forgotten about. Then, Panama happened.
Our church here in New Mexico is part of an organization called Equip. Adam and our Senior Pastor Jerome Wade go to Panama a couple times a year speaking to the pastors and leaders of Panama inspiring and equipping them for whatever God has called them to do. His first trip to Panama was about a year ago. While he was there training others how to be great pastors, he was reminded of the whisper from a couple of years before that said "someday he would be a senior pastor"and while in Panama, the whisper became a loud calling that he could not ignore. God was speaking.
He came home from that trip to Panama and said to me "Dana, I know without a shadow of doubt that God is calling us to become Pastors." And so we began to pray, and pray, and pray. During this time of seeking God and asking him what this all meant, we were haunted by the idea of Oregon. We couldn't get away from it. It seemed like every new person we met was from Oregon, every license plate we drove past was from Oregon, every time we turned on the TV it was something about Oregon. We started to believe that this was where God was leading us. So we bought two plane tickets and took a trip to the most beautiful place on earth, Oregon.
Since then, we have taken a couple more trips to Oregon and we are completely convinced that this is where God is leading us. Oregon has the least church goers per capita then any other state in America. The amount of homeless youth living in Oregon is unacceptable and heartbreaking, there is a spirit of hopelessness and depression that lingers over the state. We are determined to introduce the people of Oregon to a living God who loves them, who has a plan and purpose for their life, and his name is Jesus!
Please pray for us. We realize that we are going to war with the powers of darkness that oppress the state of Oregon and we need people praying and fasting for us. We are convinced God is going to do amazing things in Oregon and that we will see many salvations, families restored, people healed and set free, and even more then we could ever imagine! We serve a great God who does great things! Stand with us and believe with us for the people of Oregon. We love you all!
Adam & Dana, What a wonderfully amazing story and the best part is yet to come. We look forward to following, praying, and helping you achieve what God has in mind.
ReplyDeleteAdam and Dana I'm so excited for all of this!!! I can't wait till we go. I heard the song "God of this City" today while I was driving and almost started crying out of excitement and anticipation!! I can't wait to see how God is going to use us in Oregon!!! Because greater things are in store for that state then anyone could ever imagine!!