Hey guys! this is our new Logo for Catalyst church. We haven't decided on color yet but I kinda like the gray on black. Let me know what you think.
The old song "I have decided to follow Jesus" has been running through my mind all day. If you don't know what song I am talking about, here are the lyrics......
I have decided to follow Jesus
I have decided to follow Jesus
I have decided to follow Jesus
No turning back
No turning back
The lyrics are so simple yet so powerful. "I have decided to follow Jesus." I can remember singing this song as a 15 year old girl when I gave my life to God. It was my hearts prayer and I meant it with everything in me. But the truth is, I did turn back. Lots of times. That is why I love the scriptures in Lamentations 3:22-23
Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
His compassion is new every morning. Some translations say His MERCIES are new every morning. I am so grateful for this truth because I need mercy and grace everyday!
So, I will continue to promise my devotion to him, and try my hardest to live that promise. And even if I do turn back I know that he will never turn away from me, and I find my comfort in the truth that His Mercy and His Compassion is new everyday for me.