Last night we had a gathering with some of the team coming with us to Oregon. It was so great! I love to hear my husband talk about the vision for Catalyst Church. It inspires me and encourages my faith like nothing else.
I feel like we are putting together a Jigsaw Puzzle. We know how we want it to look in the end, and right now we are just trying to find the pieces and put them where they are suppose to be. Its a pretty big puzzle but we have faith that God's hand is leading us and we find our confidence in that.
I wanted to encourage those of you who are still wondering if God is calling you to be apart of this church plant. Pray about it and ask God. Maybe he will send you to Portland or maybe he will have you serve faithfully where you’re at for years to come. Either way, we’re all called to be apart of this mission, and all of us have a role to play right now. All of us can pray for more people to meet Jesus. All of us can tell more people about Jesus. And all of us can give so that we can reach more people for Jesus.
Please continue to pray for us and for our team. We appreciate it more then you can ever know!